It is a time to celebrate our Irish heritage. I will be making the Irish soda bread scones today. You can learn about this family tradition and make your own: There will be corned beef, and bangers and mash for dinner tonight.
The Shamrock Genealogist
A family history blog where I share stories and tips to help you with your family research.
Monday, March 17, 2025
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
It is a time to celebrate our Irish heritage. I will be making the Irish soda bread scones today. You can learn about this family tradition and make your own: There will be corned beef, and bangers and mash for dinner tonight.
Sunday, March 16, 2025
RootsTech Day 2 and 3
I am very delayed with my recap of RootsTech 2 and 3. That's just how much fun I was having!
Day 2
My day started bright and early with my "Using Tax Records in My Family History Research" presentation. I had over 150 bright-eyed and bushy-tailed attendees hearing all about the U.S. tax system through history and different examples of records.
At 9:30 I attended the Innovation and Tech Forum where I heard presentations from Stephen Nielsen of Adobe Photoshop, Uri Gonen of MyHeritage, Laryn Brown of Storied, Paul Allen of, Charlie Greene of Remento, and Hunter Cannon of Ancestry. The presentations showed the many uses of AI (artificial intelligence) to build family trees, describe photographs, transcribe documentation (including recipes), and more. I was very excited about MyHeritage's Cousin Finder feature. It's like viewing a DNA match list but without the DNA - I can see all of the myHeritage users that I share a common ancestor with. Some of these I knew but I started to identify cousins from different lines. It's definitely a feature I will explore more.
I skipped the General Session and explored more of the Expo Hall. I came across a new (to me) vendor called Arcanum Newspapers. Their newspaper locations include Romania, Poland, Ukraine, and more. They also are using AI features, and I'm hopeful that I can get further into my maternal family tree using their collections. I also upgraded my Kindex account to a paid account (after receiving a very detailed demo) and hope to start uploading and transcribing the many photographs and family letters I have. I also had a free mini photograph made of my maternal great grandfather, Anton Gailunas, made up by a vendor called Paper and Roots.
I attended a class "Using English Equity Courts to Trace Family Disputes" by Dr. Nick Barratt. It was interesting to hear about the legal process and the types of court cases that would come through the courts.
I also attended my colleague and friend David's talk on 17th Century Migration to New England, which included a touching moment of silence to genealogist Robert Charles Anderson (who headed the Great Migration Project) who recently passed away.
Friday night was time to party at MyHeritage's Influencer Social. This year we were at Dave N Buster's for a Mexican buffet, drinks, and some karaoke. And yes I went up to embarrass myself (I mean sing). It was a fun night with friends.
Day 3
Saturday morning I attended the Community Impact Forum, which included inspiring talks by Navajo photographer Mylo Fowler, bassist Victor Wooten, and my colleague, Lindsay Fulton, of American Ancestors. Lindsay shared the story of Elizabeth Freeman and how a direct descendant of hers was tracked down, who was also in attendance in the audience.
I had my media interview with Olympians Tara Davis-Woodhall and Hunter Woodhall. They were such a cute, loving couple and were very gracious in answering our many questions. I asked about a favorite ancestor and they both shared how they had ancestors with the first name "Rose," one that has been passed down in my paternal side of the family too! After the interview was over, I quickly got into the meet-and-greet line and was one of the last few to get a photo taken with them. They also kindly autographed my nametag, a true treasure to keep.
After lunch (which I promise was more than just Nothing Bundt Cakes bundlettes), I had my last in-person presentation. This was "Oh Yes I Went to the Front! Women in the Civil War." I talked about women's roles during the Civil War including nurses, doctors, spies, and even soldiers in disguise. I met a patron who I corresponded with a few months before my talk about his ancestor possibly being named in a newspaper article about disguising herself as a man and boarding a ship with her lover to fight in the Civil War for the Union cause. I included a few slides about this story and have been working with him offline to help see if we can prove or disprove it - so far it's looking likely!
I sought out the last few people I missed in the Expo Hall for a quick intro/catchup, selfies, and last minute swag. I even had a chance to get a new photo with genetic genealogist Cece Moore, who I haven't seen in many years at RootsTech.
What an amazing conference! What was your favorite part?